The Peter Bopp Stiftung launches annual subject-specific calls for proposals. Early career researchers, preferably at Swiss universities and recognized Swiss research institutes, may apply for implementation grants or explorer grants (from 2026). In the selection process, particular weight will be placed on originality and societal relevance, scientific and technical excellence, sustainable solution orientation and plausibility of use in practice and business.
Implementation Grants
At the interface of research and practice
Provision of funding to researchers working on their own research topics who have a clear idea of the research problem they want to solve scientifically.
Funded projects must be in the phase between research and market development and be seeking initial funding for the pilot and demonstrator phase (TRL 3-6).
The main funding criteria besides scientific excellence, innovation and a sustainable approach are market opportunities and marketability of the project.
Funding is provided by way of subject-specific calls for proposals.
Qualified programs (such as Pioneer Fellowships) may recommend pre-approved but not yet funded projects directly.
Approved implementation grants are awarded between CHF 100,000 and CHF 300,000 each, generally over a period of one to two years.
Explorer Grants
In the early innovation phase of project development
Promotion of early, unconventional and solution-oriented ideas of students in the areas funded by Peter Bopp Stiftung.
Connection to a university institution is a prerequisite for eligibility (e.g., student house).
Projects are funded with smaller grants of up to maximum CHF 20,000 each.
Peter Bopp Stiftung will award explorer grants for the first time in 2026.